It has been difficult for me to update my blog with pics due to the fact that we have NO internet in GBurg! We have been busy busy the last few weeks. I have adjusted to being back and work and I am very very thankful for Mimi Glenda taking such good care of Niley during the day. We started Niley on rice cereal this week and she thinks it is yum yum. We can't beleive how quickly she is growing. She now sleeps in her big girl crib in her room. That was also an adjustment for me (her Dad and I slept on the floor in her room the first night we moved to her to her crib). She had been sleeping in a bassinet beside our bed but she was definitely getting too big for it! Bro. Vic and Ms. Sherry let us borrow an Angelcare pad for her bed and I strongly recommend it. It monitors her breathing movement during the night and gives me a little peace of mind. We enjoyed our first Thanksgiving with Niley. I was off of work this week so I enjoyed my extra time with Niley. We have SOOOOOO much to be thankful for!! God has blessed our family so much this year.

Sometimes I just don't want to take a pic!
Shopping at Mistletoe Marketplace, once I figured out how to correctly wear the carrier!
Shopping sometimes wears me out!
Enjoying rice cereal for the first time!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving at MeeMee and PapPaw Wentworths'
Santa will be here soon!