Whew...the holidays wore me out! I didn't do a very good job of blogging over the holidays but I will try and do better! We had a fantastic Christmas, but we certainly welcomed the new year. The Christmas services at our church were wonderful this year and it made us all slow down and remember the real "reason for the season..Jesus." I very much enjoyed my time off with Niley. I was able to experience her laughter, smiles and cooing everyday and it was PRICELESS! She also started rolling over around Christmas. I can not believe how quickly she is growing...You all did not lie when you told me how quickly chirldren grow up! She enjoyed looking at lights and anything that moved and of course she loved the extra time with all of her cousins! It amazes me how babies love "little people". Niley would just watch their faces and their every movements. Our families had a lot of sickness over the holidays, but I am so thankful for God's blessing of Niley staying healthy thru all of it. Yancey was able to be off several days with us and we spent alot of time with all of our families that we are so blessed to have. We enjoyed seeing extended family in Meadville that we don't get to see often at PapPa Harold's retirement party. My brother Cory and his family (from North Carolina) spent the week after Christmas at my Mom's so we enjoyed this time with them. I think we all tried to do 6 months worth of activities in 6 days. We enjoyed a day at the Children's Museum in Jackson. This is a great place and I recommend it for children of all ages. Even though Niley is so young she seemed to enjoy all of the bright colors and movements. We had not seen the North Caroloina Wilsons since August so the kids were amazed how much Niley had grown. On the night before they left, all of my family (except the 4 youngest kids) played the game "Outburst." That night I laughed more than I have in years and it has become one of my favorite memories with my family. So if you need a fun game night for all ages (our ages ranged from 7-61), I recommend this game. Niley was also able to spend the night with her Granna in Meadville over the holidays and they had a good time together. She kept her on New Year's Eve for Yancey and I to go eat and run some errands...well, just for future info, don't try to do anything in Hammond on New Year's Eve night...most everything was closed, even Sonic and Raising Cane's! I hope you experienced wonderful Christmas blessings and that your year is filled with many Blessings From Above!

Watching cartoons with Brady and Conner one morning.
Trying out my new Southern Miss chair in my PJs on Christmas Eve night.
Breakfast at Uncle Brad's Christmas morning..before the stomach virus hit them :(
Enjoying the Children's Museum
HAPPY 2012!
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