Thursday, April 26, 2012

8 months of blessings!

It is definitely harder to catch the pictures with the "month" sign without a little monkey eating the paper! HA She has definitely become a little busy body! I am constantly amazed at how quickly she grows and how much she learns in a short period of time.
8 months old!! -I weigh about 18lbs( that was on the Co-op) scale with a diaper -wearing size 3 diapers, probably need size 4 at night -wearing some 6 month, some 9 and some 12 month clothes -I love to hear music and when I hear it, or the word "dance", I do a little shoulder shake and twist -I have 2 bottom teeth -I don't crawl yet, but I can sure "swim" across a room -I love to stand up with someone's help and I am trying to figure out how to do it on my own -I LOVE banana and sweet potato puffs and LOVE food -I still am a great sleeper!! -I love to do "patty-cake" and clap my hands
Aunt Jaz sent us some CUTE CUTE CUTE headbands, this is one of them! We love them, of course!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Easter...The greatest Blessing of all!

So I am running a little bit behind on my posts...imagine that, ha. We had a wonderful first Easter celebration with Niley. My prayer is that she too learns to know and love Jesus and will celebrate His rising with us. Jesus did die on the cross for our sins and He rose again and He is coming again soon for His children!

I am so blessed with special friends and family. Over the holiday season I was reminded of this blessing. Some friends I shopped with, some I ate with, some I cried with, some I chatted with, but most I laughed with. The people that God has blessed me to share in this journey of life with makes me smile and I am soo thankful for this blessing! We were surrounded by family also on Easter Sunday. The church was packed and I was so thankful to see all the people out there that had/has a positive influence on my life and I see Niley receiving these same blessings from aunts, uncles, granna, mams and paps, cousins, friends, church leaders, etc and this fills my heart with joy. It also reminds me to continue to strive daily to follow Him and be different from "the world" so that others will want the joy that I have, which is only through JESUS CHRIST!

Thanks also for the wonderful memories made at Aunt B's with baseball, "dizzy mummy", and all the other fun ideas that she had. These are memories that will last a lifetime! I encourage you also to make time to laugh and play silly games with your family of all ages. We had ages 8 months to 66 years old laughing!

There will be 8 month pics and details soon to come, but wow Niley is growing!